Take part in our annonymous survey!

Do you have 5 Minutes to complete our online anonymous survey? If so, please head to the following link:


This survey aims to understand public perceptions of our missing persons posters and inform ways to improve their effectiveness.

Missing persons posters are important tools for police to profile those who are missing. Posters encourage the community to look out for missing persons and report sightings and other relevant information to police.

Please consider completing our anonymous survey.



Andrew Kearney was in his final year of the HSC. It is believed that due to the pressure of upcoming final exams Andrew went missing and no note was left.

His destination and...

Missing person from NSW Terrence Hall

Terrence HALL

Terrence Hall was last seen in Broke, NSW on 1 January 1996. He was drinking with a friend into the early hours of the morning and has not been seen since this time.


Missing Person Joanne Anderson


Joanne Anderson was last seen by her husband and other family members near Mataranka Northern Territory on Friday 31 October 2014. When her husband woke the next morning, he...

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