Report a sighting

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Have you sighted a missing person, or do you have information on a missing person?

If you have any information regarding a missing person please contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Crime Stoppers is the crime reporting tool within Australia. The information gathered and supplied by the community is essential to assisting police agencies with crime solving and prevention. Information can be provided anonymously.

Missing Person Helen Munnings


Helen Munnings was last seen alive shortly after 4pm on 23 July 2008 in the vicinity of Centrelink, Marine Terrace, Burnie. In June 2012 Coroner Robert Pearce declared her to be...

Missing Person in New South Wales Violet Burt

Violet BURT

Violet Burt left her home at Barrack Heights at 1:00pm 7/8/1988 to go for a walk on the beach. She has not been seen since.

If you have any information that may assist Police...

Nikiforos KAVVALOS

Nikiforos Kavvalos left his home address on 17 May 2004 about 9.00am in Marrickville, NSW  for an unspecified destination. About 2.00am same day, Nikiforos contacted and had a...

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