Privacy policy

We are concerned about protecting your privacy. This statement describes how we handle personal information, including:

Personal details

Some forms on this site can be used to send us personal information and/or information relating to missing persons. When you submit such forms, the data is encrypted to prevent use by unauthorised parties.

If you are sending us private information you should check that you are linked to our secure server. You can do this in two ways:

  1. Check that the web address in your browser begins with https:// rather than just http://.
  2. Most browsers will show a lock symbol either in the address bar of your browser or at the bottom of the page (this may vary from browser to browser). If you see an open padlock, this indicates an unsecure site.

We will keep information that you send in a secure environment and will use it only for the purpose for which it was submitted. If you have concerns about sending information over the internet, please contact us for alternative methods of submitting information (mail, fax etc).

Police Child ID app

The Police Child ID app, available on both Aindroid and Apple devices, was designed and built by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) to help parents and guardians more easily collect and send important information about their child/children in the event of a disappearance or abduction. 

No data entered into the app is collected by the AFP or any other Australian Police agency unless it is sent to the police following a disappearance or abduction. The AFP cannot guarantee the security of the app, which is hosted by Apple and Google Play and downloaded onto the user's personal device.

Email addresses

The Australian Federal Police will only record your email address if you send us a message and/or subscribe to any of our services. The address you supply will be used only for the purpose for which you have provided it, and will not be disclosed or added to a mailing list without your consent.

You are reminded that, with the exception of encrypted forms as described above, messages sent from this site over the Internet are not secure. For further information on the Internet and security, you should read the Disclaimer.

Clickstream data

Browsing any web-site, including the National Missing Persons Coordination Centre (NMPCC) site, generates a trail of the pages that are visited, and the time apparently spent displaying each page. Clickstreams are the paths a user takes when navigating a web site and the internet in general. When you visit a page or document on our site, the following information may be logged for statistical purposes:

  • the date and time at which you accessed each page or document;
  • the Internet (IP) address of your computer;
  • the pages you accessed, and documents downloaded;
  • the type of browser and operating system used;
  • the number of bytes transmitted and received for each request;
  • the previous site or page visited;
  • the name of any search engine and search terms used to get to the page or document; and
  • anonymous cookie information.

We examine this information to measure traffic through the server, usage of specific pages, and in order to deliver better services.

No attempt will be made to identify users or their browsing activities except in the unlikely event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency (or other government agency) may exercise a legal authority to inspect the service provider's logs.

The statistics and log files may be preserved indefinitely and used at any time and in any way necessary to prevent security breaches and to ensure the integrity of the information supplied by the AFP.


We use anonymous "first party" cookies to better analyse user navigation trends and to provide additional information to our web analysis software. Cookies may also be used in forms-based transactions to correlate the pages of a single transaction.

We do not use cookies to collect personal information, nor do we associate anonymous cookies with personal information. Cookies can be easily blocked on your computer by simply un-checking the "accept cookies" option in your web browser. This can be found under the options menu of your browser software.


The staff who operate the missing persons site, and most Australian government agencies and websites, are subject to the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988.

Further enquiries

If you have enquiries regarding the privacy of information provided to this site, please contact us.

National Missing Persons Coordination Centre
PO Box 401
Canberra City, ACT 2601

Free call: 1800 000 634

Allan Kennedy

Allan Kennedy, aged 74, was last seen at his home on 15 October 2006.  Allan’s vehicle, registration ZK C3 15, was located abandoned at Flat Top Lookout, Mt Hay Road, Leura. Allan...

Missing Person WA Helen BARKER


On Saturday, 1 August 1970, Helen Barker visited a friend’s house in Boulder. When she arrived her friend was not at home. At about 7pm her friend’s mother gave her a lift back...

Andrew Cameron

Andrew was last seen on the 9th of March 2005. He had earlier spoken to his partner, stating he was waiting for a friend before planning to return to the home. He has not been...

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