Search help

The National Missing Persons Coordination Centre website lists many profiles of long term missing persons.

Site search tips

You can leave the search field blank to return all missing persons profiles listed on the national register. Alternatively if you would like to search the site for a specific missing person or persons who match a specific description consider these tips.

  • The search tool on this site will search for entered words across all missing persons profiles, unless the 'Search website' button is pressed, where all pages on the site will be included.
  • Avoid using common terms like the word ‘missing’ which will appear on most pages.


  • If you are searching for a specific name consider multiple searches using variations of spelling and/or similar names (Ann, Anne, Anna, Annie).
  • Instead of searching a person’s first and last names, use only one name (surname or given name) in the search field. Our search will only return items that match all included words.
  • Google has more powerful search tools (wildcards etc.) consider using google search and limiting results to the missing persons site using “”

Physical descriptions

If you are looking for missing persons cases which match a specific description, consider leaving the search field blank and then limiting the results via the filters in the search results.

Examples of the search filters used on this site include;

  • State or Territory last seen
  • Build: Thin, Slim, Lanky, Proportionate, Medium, Solid
  • Height is supplied in centimetres via height ranges.
  • Hair colour and characteristics: Blonde/Blond, Ginger, Red, Auburn, Brown, Black, Grey, White, Bald, Shaven
  • Eye colours: Blue, Grey, Green, Hazel, Brown
  • Gender
  • Year of birth
Missing Person Angina Pal

Angina PAL

Last sighting of Angina Pal occurred in 1984 between the 1st May and the 3rd May. She had been spending time with her partner John Chandra at 10A Grandview Grove Hawthorn East VIC...

Rhyanwen HORNE

Rhyanwen Hall HORNE (nee McConnocgie) was last seen at Shortland Street Clinic in Newcastle on 1st February 1975. Rhyanwen was 24 years old when she was reported missing. She...

Missing Person Lynette Nott

Lynette NOTT

Lynette was last seen at approximately 10.30am 24 December 2009 by her boyfriend after she left his house to go home. Lynette's boyfriend went to her house and found her handbag...

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